It's finally here! Live out your greatest nineteenth-century lumberjacking fantasies chopping down trees and transporting logs in the cold, empty wilderness!

The objective is simple. You chop down trees with your left mouse button, then lumbercrack the trunk down into logs with your right mouse button. Then, you carry your logs back to your lumbershack for points! You'll get more points for bringing in more logs at a time, but be careful! Your walk speed is reduced slightly with every log you pick up, and if you aren't careful you might find yourself lumbering (HA!) back to your lumbershack at a snail's pace.

Also featured is a modern minimalist interpretation of the legendary lost hit single 'Lumberjack' by Avinaash. Please enjoy.

This game was made for the uOttawa Game Dev Club's very first game jam! Woohoo!


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